Moderate, Transfer, Reduce

With FileVert, you get the number of kWh consumed and the associated carbon footprint with each transfer. Our goal is not to make you feel guilty, but rather to raise awareness about a poorly understood form of pollution and give you the means to gradually reduce your digital footprint.

With FileVert, let's slow down the exponential data storage


of global emissions are related to digital technologies


more data exchanged globally by 2030


annual increase in digital pollution


annual increase in digital carbon footprint in France


is the estimated share of electricity from data centers in 2030

Send, Receive, Collaborate Responsibly


of global emissions are related to digital technologies


more data exchanged globally by 2030


annual increase in digital pollution


annual increase in digital carbon footprint in France


is the estimated share of electricity from data centers in 2030


Founder's Message

Dear friends of FileVert,

I am Hugo Fultot, the founder of FileVert, and I am proud to speak to you today about our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). At FileVert, we firmly believe that digital technology can be a positive force for society and the environment.

Since our inception in September 2020, our goal has always been to do better, both for our users and for the planet we share. That's why we have a mission that guides each of our actions.

  • Use of energy-efficient servers: We use Scaleway servers, which are certified with some of the lowest PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) and WUE (Water Usage Effectiveness) in the industry, ensuring efficient use of energy resources.
  • Carbon offset for file transfers: We fully offset the carbon emissions generated by our users' file transfers through our partnership with the Goodplanet Foundation, contributing to the fight against climate change.
  • Support for sustainable education: We provide annual financial support to the Weefund association, which provides refurbished equipment to schools, promoting access to technology while reducing environmental impact.
  • Compliance with responsible digital standards: FileVert is listed among the recommended tools by the Institute of Responsible Digital, ensuring our commitment to sustainable digital practices.
  • Certified partnership with the Green Web Foundation: We are proud to be certified partners of the Green Web Foundation, demonstrating our use of web infrastructure powered 100% by renewable energy.
  • Development of sustainable and responsible digital solutions: We develop sustainable digital solutions that promote a more environmentally conscious use of the web and address societal challenges.
  • Awareness: We tirelessly inform to empower everyone to understand and control their online impact and footprint.

What I love most about my work is tackling complex problems using new and creative approaches. Our commitment to collective intelligence drives us to find ways to encourage people to work together more efficiently and responsibly.

We are convinced that everyone can have a positive impact on the world, and FileVert strives to demonstrate this every day. By using FileVert, you are doing a good deed, as each file transfer becomes a gesture towards sustainability.

Join us in our mission for a more responsible digital world, and contact us to learn more about how FileVert can meet your needs.

With gratitude,

Hugo Fultot

Founder of FileVert


FileVert Collab

With FileVert Collab, our goal is to significantly speed up the delivery of creative projects through a file collaboration platform that optimizes workflows, frees up storage space, and eliminates heavy file clutter.

September 2023

Solidarity Carbon Action - Good Planet

Distribution of Solar Cookers - Projects registered under the Gold Standard: GS 813 and GS 814

In Bolivia, food is mainly cooked using charcoal, gas, or dried dung. Due to the lack of ventilation in households, this cooking method has severe health consequences.

  • Bolivia
Sept 2023

Solidarity Carbon Action - Good Planet

Composting of Household Waste

Waste management in developing cities is a major challenge. Anaerobic decomposition of household waste contributes to global warming by emitting methane, a potent greenhouse gas.

  • Togo (Lomé)
Sept 2022


FileVert Hub

FileVert Hub, est le premier drive de stockage en ligne en auto-suppression, nous vous permettons de regrouper facilement des fichiers de multiples sources.

September 2023

Patronage: Ecology, CSR

We Act For Earth (Membership)

We Act 4 Earth: the platform dedicated to facilitating and promoting your ecological and solidarity actions at work because working and producing while respecting oneself, others, and the planet is imperative in the face of the climate and social emergency.

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (Grenoble)
September 2022

Certified Partner

Green Web Foundation

Internet est la plus grande machine alimentée au charbon au monde. Vérifiez si votre site web fonctionne grâce à une énergie verte, et contribuez à rendre Internet exempt de combustibles fossiles.

April 2022

Mécénat : Education, Reconditionnement, Numérique

Weeefund (Don)

WeeeFund est une association qui a pour but de réduire la fracture numérique et le gaspillage électronique. Nous reconditionnons des ordinateurs pour les mettre à disposition et former au numérique les personnes qui en ont besoin, en créant des partenariats avec les entreprises et collectivités !

  • Rhones-Alpes (Lyon)
Jan 2022

Donation - Good Planet

Donation - Good Planet

Payment Date: 10/13/2021

October 2021

Patronage: Education, Refurbishment, Digital

Donation - Weeefund

WeeeFund is an organization dedicated to reducing the digital divide and electronic waste. We refurbish computers to provide them to those in need and offer digital literacy training, partnering with businesses and communities.

  • Rhône-Alpes (Lyon)
January 2021